Monday, 5 March 2007

Britney And Kevin To Renew Their Vows

Wow so much has been happening I almost don't know where to begin! Ok first things first. Looks like the real reason for rehab and all the erratic behaviour is finally out and the answer you've all been waiting for is...crystal meth ta dar it finally all makes sense doesn't it kids. Don't know much about crystal meth? well click here and if your still in any doubt whether this is true or not this website alone should be enough to convince you! They should seriously add Britney's before and after pictures here.

Ok well now we have that cleared up we can focus on the next Britney saga. Her and Kevin are now back together! WTF you say? Yeah I KNOW!!! I actually can't be bothered to go into the details as they are not that interesting.. Want details? Click here.. I'd much rather talk about the fact she wrote 666 on her skinhead and ran around screaming 'I am the antichrist' before trying to hang herself' no there's a You Tube I want to see!

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