Friday, 19 January 2007

Britney's Barred!

How low can you go? After being rejected from the Super Bowl promo Britney has now been kicked off the guestlist for the Vienna Opera Ball. Messing with Paris Hilton wasn't such a good idea after all was it Britney? Who'd have thought it? If i'd told you a couple of years ago that one day Paris would be receieving $1 million just for attending an event and Britney would be barred becasue the two don't get on. You couldn't make this shit up but i'll give it a go anyway. In two years time Nicole Richie will be the face of weight watchers and she'll be chucking Britney out for losing too much weight. Hmmmm.. maybe not eh!


Anonymous said...

wow what a pretty face

Anonymous said...

i used to wish i looked like britney! lucky escape after all.