Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Britney Is Not A Drug Addict

So it turns out she isn't in rehab from drugs and alcohol after all. She is infact suffering from post partum oh well nice to have that one cleared up isn't it. The drug addict was way more interesting so i'm just going to ignore this boring I had a couple of babies and lost it story. Hang on wouldn't that make a great argument in court for her recent crazy antics? wow call me cracker!

Cameron Diaz And Drew Barrymore Get Like Totally High Dude!

It's a sunny Saturday in celebville oh what to do what to do! Lets just go get totally wasted dude you know like when we were kids and we'd get all giggly and high and it was like the best fun evvvvvvvvvvvver. Oh wait we're 30 year olds now and its actually pretty lame. Hey ho I heard Cameron's a smack head anyway so who gives a **** if shes smoking a spliff?

Friday, 23 February 2007

To Many Requests For The Video

Daniel Radcliffe

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong girth wrong horse wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

Britney Loses It

Last night Britney was spotted at Kevin's house ringing the bell three times with no answer. She was so frustrated that when her assistant stopped the car, Britney grabbed an umbrella and went after the paps.

Although she looks a little loopy here and could even be described as a looking like an escaped mental patient I don't think what she did was wrong. Leave the girl alone! Enough is enough!! If you want to see the video click here i'm not posting it. Think its time to leave her alone. I really really do.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Britney Leaves Rehab

I'm starting to think maybe the name of this site should be changed from The Super Celeb to The Diary Of Britney's Downfall. Less than one day after checking into the Promises Centre she's walked again! Less than one day!!! She didn't even manage 24 hours!! That's horrendous and to top things off Kevin has requested an emergency court hearing to discuss their custody battle. Who'd have thought it? I really never imagined I'd see the day when K-Fed looks like a good role model to his children. Although at the moment I think Fred West is looking like a better role model than Britney Spears.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Add me add me add me..

The Super Celeb MySpace Click Here!

It's Not Celeb News

But it is so funny I felt the need to share it. 'Made for a man.. strong enough for a hindu princess'

Anna Nicole Wasted

Here is a video of Anna Nicole clearly stoned out of her brain! She's 8 months pregnant and talking to a plastic doll! Guess Howard Stern was right though 'this will be worth money!' Hands up those of you that reckon he killed her?

Britney Back In Rehab

First reports were Britney shaved her head because she had simply lost the plot. Next came the argument with mother theory and now the story that seems to be sticking is that Britney Spears allegedly shaved her head because Kevin Federline was threatening to test her hair for drugs. A source is claiming:

"They had a huge argument. Kevin threatened Britney that he was going to have people test her hair to find out exactly what she's been up to. She was so scared. That was what made her have her head shaved."
And after shaving her hair Friday she went to the Mondrian Hotel in an electric blue wig where sources say they saw her shaving her legs at the pool and crying after she was refused a room.

Anyway heres a picture of Britney at the Promises treatment facility.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007


Dear fellow celeb worshipers...
We now have a myspace site as well...
Check it out and make sure to add us and tell all your friends and everyone you know
Lots of love forever and always
XXX Super Celeb XXX

The Super Celeb MySpace Click Here!

Lohan Out Of Rehab And Lookin Hot!

Wow look at Lindsey Lohan, isn't she just the picture of health? What the hell happened to her in rehab? Forgive me if i've missed the point, but I was always under the impression that rehab was supposed to improve peoples wellbeing. Whereas Lindsey appears to have aged about 30 years and even possibly caught skin cancer. Come on gingers don't go that colour do they?

How Rough Is Paris

What we have here is Paris Hilton in Vegas at the weekend. Now I'm not saying that I usually think Paris is hot and I am also not saying I think she is ugly in these pictures. So what am I saying? Well to be honest I'm not entirely sure. But there is definitely something weird going on here. She appears to have burn marks on her chest and something stuck on the side of her nose! (click the image for close ups) So she either doesn't care. Or is simply too wasted to realize. (p.s I wish she'd shave her head!)

Monday, 19 February 2007

How The Mighty Have Fallen

HIV Osbourne

Last night Kelly Osbourne broke down at a benefit concert after revealing a member of her family is HIV positive. At present it is still unclear who she is refering to. My instincts tell me it's unlikely to be immediate family just a huntch I have. Chances are its some long lost barely related cousin brother from Cambodia and its all for publicity. Or am I being harsh?

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Britney Shears

I am speechless! Really really speechless!! Somebody just give the poor girl a hug.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

$1 Million Video

Entertainment Tonight have reportedly paid Howard K. Stern, Anne Nicoles erm what shall we call him? boyfriend? yeah boyfriend will do, $1 million dollars for this! WTF!!

Monday, 12 February 2007

It Just Gets More And More Bizarre

So now not only is Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband claiming he had a decade-long affair with Anna Nicole he is also claiming to be another possible father to Danielynn. Bizarre huh? Well thats not even the really wierd bit. Sources close to Anna are stating that the old dead man may infact be the father! Seriously, swear to god i'm not making this shit up! They claim Anna Nicole froze some of his sperm and had used that to get pregnant. It was one of the things she was hoping would help her defence when battling it out for his millions. Wow huh! Speechless? yeah me to.

Saturday, 10 February 2007

The Reason Cameron and Justin Split

Anna Nicole Dieing

Is it wrong to show a video of her last moments? Well yes, yes it is! But someone out there paid $500,000 for it so there must be a hell of a lot of people that want to see it.

Friday, 9 February 2007

Fatty Fatty Boom Boom

After the Anna Nicole story I thought we needed something more jovial and light hearted to brighten the mood.. So here it is. Kirstie Alley is fat again... HURRAH!!!


Jesus, Anna Nicole Smith is officially dead at the age of 39. You heard it first on The Super Celeb! According to police reports, she died last night from a suspected drugs overdose at age 39. Dark.. darker than dark...

Big up G-flex for the tip!

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Britney Is Gay

So some sources close to Britney and by that I mean some of Kevins friends have been saying a whole loada crap about her sexual preferences. I'll let you decide:

"Britney was into threesomes and girls." He says Britney would often invite a bunch of girlfriends over to the couple's house to party and over the course of a night, Britney would often disappear into a bedroom with her girlfriends. "Sometimes it was three girls, and sometimes there were more like six," the insider says. "I heard about her being with girls at least 20 times while they were married." A friend says that Kevin plans to use tales of Britney's secret sexual exploits and drug use in his battle for custody of their sons. "She has told Kevin more than once that she is sexually attracted to women and men equally," says the pal. "He wants to show that she's not such an angel after all."

Does anyone really think Britney is an angel anymore? She is clearly dirty, crack smoking, white trash! Come on the picture speaks for iteself.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Paris Is A Pill Head

I don't even want to dignify these videos with descriptions. I think they speak for themselves. Feel free to leave comments though. P.S. promise this is the last Paris Exposed.com video i'm going to post if i'm bored of them you must be!

Paris Is Racist

So Paris gets fucked in the arse for coke. Her words not mine.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

Sienna Sex Video

So Siennas stupid attention seeking outfit wasn't the only thing to set chins wagging at the premiere of Factory Girl according to the New York Daily News Sienna and co star Hayden Christensen allegedly had 'real' sex during the lovemaking scenes!

"It's not simulated," an insider tells us. "They're really doing it." At the movie's premiere on Monday, director George Hickenlooper would tell us only: "Sienna and Hayden grew close during the filming. It was an emotional experience for all of us."

I don't buy it! Do you??

Pete Doherty Injects Cocaine

THE SUN: JUNKIE rocker Pete Doherty injects himself with cocaine in a grubby Thai hostel — as he tells worried lover Kate Moss he is “fine” on the phone. Bare-chested Doherty shot up several times after joining three girls in a backpacker’s £8-a-night room. Around him on a bed was strewn sordid drugs paraphernalia of a spoon and syringes, plus scattered banknotes in British, US and Thai currency. He clasped a mobile between head and shoulder as concerned model Kate asked him where he was and what he was doing. The out-of-it Babyshambles singer replied: “What’s the matter? I love you.” Our pictures make a mockery of the British legal system that keeps allowing Doherty back on the streets despite countless arrests for possession of hard drugs.

Am I the only person that thinks this is none of The Sun's buisness? let him get on with it I say.